Divine Agreement
Divine Agreement
"Divine Agreement was given to fill a void of data which is critically necessary for all practitioners who are moved to inquire into the nature of their agreements and communicational realities. This teaching-practice provides profound inquiry and many critical insights into the patterns, karmas and mechanics which correspond to the major levels or operational realities of consciousness."
"Practitioners must not assume that they always know, understand or completely ‘get’ what others intend for or transmit to them to receive, nor are they expected to doubt or necessarily be confused by any communication. These guidelines on the major ‘levels of Reality’ are offered to practitioners in order that they practice operating on these levels with appropriate consideration, acknowledgement, recognition, mastery and realization or knowingness. Ultimately, once mastered, these levels, being mere levels, must be transcended.
"Thus, I offer this booklet, Divine Agreement, as a response to the need of practitioners to begin observing, by scale or level of Reality, all self-created or conscious agreements and communications between themselves and other beings and things. This observing, perceiving, intuiting, looking at, looking into or recognizing and even accurately categorizing, identifying or knowing various types or levels of conscious or unconscious communication will be based on the useful scale of the six-body system to include the relative reality of the physical, astral, causal, mental, etheric-will and the Soul or Self bodies, their paradoxical interdependence upon one another, their separate and distinct functioning, their characteristics, their needs, their powers, their limits and their place in the overall spiritual process of progressive unfoldment, enlightened Self-Realization, Divine Agreement and Total Consciousness." - Tisziji Munoz